Chapitre IV _ Cinéma - Technologie

A Survey on Virtual Production and the Future of Compositing Technologies

Filipe Pires
Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Rui Silva
Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Rui Raposo
Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro, Portugal


In recent years, virtual production has seen its largest growth in popularity in the film industry. The demand for faster and cheaper productions, the continuous innovations in hardware and real-time rendering, the globalization of virtual and augmented reality and the most recent need for remote collaboration are all driving factors for its consolidation in the film production lifecycle. Although the benefits of a virtual production approach have an impact on many departments, the compositing and visual effects department is one of the most affected.
This paper explores the evolution of compositing technologies and describes why virtual production is a natural fit. We also explore how compositing workflows today are being influenced by virtual production and discuss the prospects of compositing techniques.

Mots-clés Production virtuelle, Chroma Key, Effets visuels, cinématographie, rendu en temps réel.
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