Chapitre II _ Cinéma - Cinéma

Escrita de argumento com atores: uma prática experimental em análise.

Nuno Tudela
Escola Superior de Media Artes e Design do P.PORTO, Portugal


Within writing for film fiction, the building of characters can still prove to be the basis and starting point for the defining and construction of a narrative structure. The film character has the function of allowing the screenwriter to evolve into fantastic universes without disobeying the principles of verisimilitude.
However, there are new paths of narrative research, based on collaborative processes with actors that give substance to lived experiences and the consequent materialization in film.
The Cinema of João Canijo mirrors this symbiosis between the author and the actor and that has evolved to a debugging of the process in his last films. Inspired by Canijo’s working style, this essay aims to analyze, step by step, a methodological proposal to write a screenplay and the built of characters, based upon improvisation sessions with actors and recorded on video, sustained on a practic based research.

Mots-clés Scénario, Personnages, Acteurs, Écriture, Méthode.
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