Chapitre III _ Cinéma - Communication

Diálogos entre o videoclipe publicitário e a gentrificação do queer

Gabriela Santos Alves
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES), Brasil
Rosane Vasconcelos Zanotti
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES), Brasil
Thiago Scarpat Mozer
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES), Brasil


The purpose of this paper is to discuss how the gentrification of queer concept moves from physical territoriality to digital territoriality and manifests itself epistemologically in this process. This study looks, in particular, the application of the concept gentrification of queer in online partner search mobile app, based on bibliographic research and film analysis. It takes as corpus and locus to analyze such concept an advertising film in video clip format for the communication of a mobile partner search application: Grindr. With theoretical-conceptual review of studies about the territory, media technologies, surveillance, control, sexuality and queer theory, presents a critical reflection on how the application intended for the exercise of sexuality operates a new management of the queer subject in contemporary mediatized daily life, as well as analyzes the categories and aesthetic complexities of this subject under the regime of gentrification of his territory and of himself.

Mots-clés Gentrification of Queer, Clip vidéo publicitaire, Grindr.
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