Chapitre II _ Cinéma - Cinéma

La professionnalisation du court métrage d’animation en Espagne. Situation actuelle

Adriana Navarro Alvarez
Investigadora independente, Espanha
No 12 (2021)
Publiée 2021-10-25


This article overviews the professionalization of the Spanish short animated film on this decade. Despite the changes occurring in this period, the multiplication of the broadcast and exhibition windows, and the flourishing of animation schools, these short films continue to occupy an anomalous place in the cinematographic sector. Considered just a hobby and a learning practice, separated from the whole industry, this phenomenon is currently in the process of deep revision. Based on interviews and surveys conducted by experts in the sector, it can predict the new direction of animated short films in this country. This research illustrates the difficulties and contradictions to which these films are aimed, such as the lack of regulation by the Administration, the absence of marketability and the legitimacy of this production at the film industry.

Mots-clés Court métrage, Espagnol, Industrie du cinéma, Production, Professionnalisation.
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