Chapitre II _ Cinéma - Cinéma

Representatividade LGBT em curta-metragem animado

Alexia Silva da Silveira Araujo
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil
Monica Stein
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil


The following article discusses the production of an animated short film with an LGBT theme. It explores the reasons that justify the production of a short film that promotes the representation of this community, as well as accompanying the full production of an animated short film, from pre-production, production, to post-production. The objective of this project is to show social benefits to the society behind the representation of a minority, through an animated film work. For the conception of this project, the author developed a narrative that focuses on LGBT representativeness using a production methodology for the realization of the short film.

Mots-clés Animation, Représentativité LGBT, Audiovisuel, Communauté LGBT, Court-métrage.
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