Capítulo II _ Cine - Cine

Análisis práctico de la obra de Pere Portabella (1967-1976): la subversión de la Manera de Representación Institucional a través de la música

Josep Torelló Oliver
Centre de la Imatge i la Tecnologia Multimèdia (CITM) Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), España
Jaume Duran Castells
Universitat de Barcelona (UB), España
Núm. 10 (2019)
Publicado 2021-04-12


This article analyzes part of the filmography of the Catalan director Pere Portabella (Figueres, 1927) in the period 1967-1976. The analysis focuses on those sequences in which Portabella articulates a music-image relationship that allows him to subvert the traditional Institutional Mode of Representation (Burch 2008), while developing a cinematic proposal that is typical of film modernity, also called Modern Mode of Representation. We consider that this subversion of the institutional language happens when it is articulated a music and an image that tense the classical definition of institutional diegetic space-time. We analyze 8 paradigmatic cases that permit us to understand how the aesthetic relationship between music and image in their work allows to develop a modern cinematography proposal.

Palabras clave Pere Portabella, Teoría de la música, Filmografía de la modernidad, Avant-garde.
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