Capítulo I _ Cine - Arte

Uso del personaje principal en el modelo hipermoderno de cine Iberoamericano

Matías López Iglesias
Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes
Núm. 12 (2021)
Publicado 2021-10-25


The movie Doña Clara, a Kleber Mendonça Filho film, analysed as a sample of identification analysis of contemporary Ibero-American cinema. Based on a quantitative methodology, the data has been analysed focusing on the characters which belong to a narrative look like the hypermodern cinema. The purpose of the study is to propose this movie as a model of Ibero-American paradigmatic cinema. The main character represented by Doña Clara and interpreted by Sonia Braga exerts a predominant position that sustains the whole work, the other characters as a choreography embody the rest of society. The conclusions present the cinema as a visual art that faithfully represents the historical moment by which we observe Ibero-American society.

Palabras clave Cine hipermoderno, personaje, Doña Clara, Aquarius, Kleber de Mendonça Filho.
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