Capítulo I _ Cine - Arte

La Historia del Arte y las Series de TV

Manuel Rodríguez Vargas
Universidad de Granada, España
Núm. 12 (2021)
Publicado 2021-10-25


The world of Art History has made its way, not only through bibliography or museums but also through the audiovisual world. From here, we have to distinguish two similar entities, but at the same time very specific: the cinema itself, and on the other, the section of television series. In the case of the latter, it is important to point out the differences with cinematography, which, although it shares the same languages and codes, it is true, it raises some broader horizons in providing a closer narrative to detail and richer and abundant contextualization contributing to a better understanding of the historical and artistic fact, and this can be scrutinized through a careful selection of TV series whose main protagonist is the Art History and the artists.

Palabras clave Biopic, Cine, Arte, Educación.
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