Capítulo III _ Cine - Comunicación

Análise sobre os novos e os tradicionais consumos de cinema - o perfil dos jovens universitários portugueses

Álvaro Cairrão
Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade - ICS, Portugal


It is intended to give answers about the ways of consumption of films by young Portuguese university students, and presenting the characteristics profile of cinema audiences in a global context.
Through access to multiple studies (secondary research), we try to understand the evolutionary trends of these consumptions, using diachronic analyzes of the various sectors / segments under analysis, but also through primary research directly to the public under study by applying a questionnaire. It is intended to assess: 1) what is the evolution of the cinema consumption patterns; 2) Determine the measure of traditional cinema consumption; 3) Determine the measure of cinema consumption through different distribution formats; 4) Sort the access and consumption of cinema of the new formats.

Palabras clave Cine, Consumo, Universitarios, Portugal, Nuevos medios de comunicación.
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