Chapter V _ Guests

O Abismo e o Cinema moderno: Não seria só o apocalipse quem poderia nos libertar?

Régis Frota Araújo
Universidade Federal de Ceará, Brasil


The purpose of this work is to emphasize the identity nature of onirophile cinema - lover of dreams -, and the erotic imagery that rescues contemporary depression from the joy of living and dreaming. There are films and filmmakers - such as Glauber, Lars Von Trier, Hitchcock, Kubrick, etc. - that identify the existence of factual life situations in which man and society are on the verge of an abyss, a collapse, or related themes with death tensions in the most Freudian sense of the term, or by explicit styles of images constructed from vertigo and threats of nuclear destruction.

Keywords Abyss, Cinema, Depression, Erotism, Dreams.
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