Chapter III _ Cinema - Communication

O Gif animado de reação e o processo de descontextualização.

Paulo Korpys
CECS – Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade, Portugal
Pedro Mota Teixeira
ID+ – Instituto de Investigação em Design, Media e Cultura, Portugal
Daniel Brandão
CECS – Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade, Portugal
António Ferreira
CECS – Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade, Portugal


Animated Gif continues to be widely used by users in digital media. It’s an image format with over thirty years old, that has changed little since its inception. Its main features remain the same, yet they seem to be an ideal package and conducive to proliferation through the digital world. This paper intends to contextualize the animated Gif as a media and provide a perspective about why it continues to be such a relevant format for cyberculture today. Therefore, the reaction Gif is the chosen object to be covered in this paper. The consequent decontextualization levels of Gifs, from multiple situations, are also explored. From the personal interpretation of each user, infinite new meanings and new Gifs can emerge depending on a specific context of communication, shaped by sociocultural factors.

Keywords Gif, Reaction Gif, Decontextualization, Cyberculture, New Media, Communication.
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