Chapter I _ Cinema - Art

Experimental cinema and media ecology: Approaches and extensions

Wilson Oliveira da Silva Filho
Mariana Lucas de Almeida Fernandes
UNESA e UERJ, RJ, Brasil
Argeu Luiz Duarte Glória
UNESA, RJ, Brasil
Francisco Malta
UNESA, RJ, Brasil


This paper aims to understand experimental cinema and its relation to the media ecology field of studies. Experimental audiovisual works can be understood as ambients, as something that surrounds us or, to sum up, as a wrap of our senses. Always having the film itself as object – structuralist cinema for example – the experiment is the message to homage McLuhan’s, founding father of media ecology, famous aphorism. By linking the works of experimental artists but also extending them through new ways of conceiving visual and audiovisual works such as gifs and glitches, this paper tries to establish some conceptual ground to relate experimental cinema and a media ecological point of view, bringing possibilities to rethink media and cinema with the lenses of technology, aesthetic and media literacy.

Keywords Experimental cinema, media ecology, gifs, glitch art, cinema of attractions.
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