Chapter I _ Cinema - Art

“Archetype(spelling) obscure of feminine”, 2020. Multimedia installation Performance with the collaboration of artist/performer Sol Casal (Br) and the participation of the Traditional Singer Sara Grenha, at the gallery Ana Lama, (25/10/2020), Lisbon

Sónia Carvalho
Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa / ID+ Instituto de Investigação em Design Media e Cultura, Portugal / CIEBA, Centro de investigação e de Estudos em Belas-Artes, Portugal
Paulo Bernardino Bastos
Universidade de Aveiro | DeCA ID+ Instituto de Investigação em Design Media e Cultura, Portugal


The universality’s myth power, and the sense of the sacred exercises, is explored in the multimedia installation performance “Arquétipo(grafia) obscura do feminino”, from the Russian tale “Vassalissa, the Wise”. The confrontation between Present Body/Virtual Body (and transpersonal) versus Time/Space dynamics (real and digital, and sound / word dialogue in the image) is related to an ancient psychic mapping about induction in the underground and wild world of the Female God, and with the recognition of the primordial woman’s instinct in varied ritualistic tasks.
This Project refers to the meaning of the represent(action) of the body and the rite, focusing on the study of the symbols and archetypes of the female spiritual universe, and in the context of contemporary art and culture (namely, in the interaction between Art and Technology - creation image and moving images). We will try to demonstrate how these new devices can contribute to a deeper experience of the symbolic dimension and to the symbiosis between Art, Tecnhology and Spirituality.
Raising this question: how does the crossing of the performative body, through the image (video in real time) and digital technology, reflect new modus operandis, with direct implications in a more expanded notion of the representation of Painting?

Keywords Performance / Real-Time, Body, Spirituality, Female, Image / Video.
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