Capítulo II _ Cinema - Cinema

O Imaginarium Diegético na Animação e no Cinema: a representação de momentos de sonho, memória, devaneio e psicadelia no Audiovisual.

Eliane Gordeeff
FBAUL-CIEBA, Portugal / UVA e CNPq, Brasil
João Paulo Queiroz
N.º 10 (2019)
Publicado 2019-10-14


This article has the purpose of discussing about the representation of dreams, memory, reverie or psychedelic moments of the character – diegetic imaginarium – by the Audiovisual (Live-action Cinema and Animation) for the development and understanding of film analysis. With this objective the adopted borders to the imaginarium (the caracter mental image) are approached; its role in the construction of narratives, its representations, and how it favors the abstraction and deepening of the public in the stories. Thus, it is developed a particular looking over the animated image, when it is responsible for the representation of the illusional image, while the filmed one represents the reality of the same diegese. The paper is based on studies about mental image in relation to Animation (Sifianos, 2012), the perception of the cinematographic image (Metz, 1975a, 1994; Morin, 1956) and of the mental image (Arnheim, 1971, 2004). The subject is also developed with evaluations and considerations on some Psychology concepts, about mental images and their representations by the audiovisual. This text was developed during the doctoral research, The Representation of the Diegetic Imaginarium for Animation, in the Cinema Live-action, presented at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon in 2018.

Palavras-chave Imaginário diegético, Imagem Animada, Imagem Live-Action, Imagem Mental, Representação Animada.
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