Capítulo II _ Cinema - Cinema
"Faz um filme com a gente, pra gente mostrar para os parentes”: A cultura do povo Ka’apor acionada pelo cinema.
During one of my field trips while developing my doctoral research in Anthropology - about the war histories of the Ka’apor people - in the Axinguirendá village in the northeastern state of Brazil, I held a small Film Show that lasted three nights. From the films shown, all indigenous and / or produced by them, the culture and the pride of this people was strongly triggered by the images projected when leaders of the village propose to me the production of a small film from the script entirely elaborated by them : going to the countryside, cooking of mandiocaba, dispute of bow and arrow in the green papaya, corporal paintings made with urucum, dances and songs. Things that have not been doing for a long time, motives and desires that have been intensified by the viewing of films produced by relatives of other ethnic groups and cultures. The potential of the audiovisual is exposed and evidenced in this interesting experience inspired by the Shared Anthropology of Jean Rouch and the project Video in the Villages, by Vincent Carelli.

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