Capítulo II _ Cinema - Cinema
Experiências migrantes no documentário Latino Americano em 1a. pessoa: algumas abordagens metodológicas.
The paper aims to discuss some of the current research results regarding contemporary first-person documentaries who focuses migration experiences. First, we will defend, more specifically, three main axes of analysis regarding this production: (1) the analysis of the imagery and sound archives and the relevance of the concept of archive effect (BARON, 2014); (2) the analysis of the mise en scène of the first-person narration (FRANCE, 1990); (3) the analysis of the poetics of the interviews (GRINDON, 2007) as one of the central strategies in the narratives of the biographical space (ARFUCH, 2010). Next, we will develop this discussion considering excerpts from some of the films of the most recent focus of our research: the latin american production. More specifically, we pretend to take a close look at the main strategies in the recent documentaires Allende, mi abuelo Allende (TAMBUTTI, 2015), Amazona (WEINSKOPF; VAN HEMELRYCK, 2016) and No intenso agora (SALLES, 2017).

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