Capítulo IV _ Cinema - Tecnologia
Ex Machina e Her: géneros de narrativa e narrativas de género
The films Her (Spike Jonze, 2013) and Ex Machina (Alex Garland, 2015) are works often framed in the genre of science fiction. In this essay, we will seek to identify narrative elements that confirm their “science fiction” status, as this is considered an inflection point. At first, the theme of alterity and the representations of the Other will be problematized, as these are founding elements of the genre in question. Then, a reflection on human-machine relations and their articulations with gender theories will be proposed; namely, Feminist Science Studies, which use technological advances as an interpretive key for new meanings of gender categories. In this field, a dialogue will be established with Donna Haraway, Judith Butler, Judith Halberstam, among others. It is understood that in the works in question there is an overlap between machine, female gender and the figure of the Other, which causes attraction and repulsion simultaneously. In this sense, it will be demonstrated how the representations of the female body also occupy a privileged place in the imaginary of science fiction and in our current technoscientific context. In other words, this is about perceiving the ways in which science fiction genre imaginatively inserts women into the history and future of science and technology.

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