Capítulo II _ Cinema - Cinema
Leading accessible cinema across Europe
To say cinema production, distribution, and exhibition is going through a paradigma shift is an understatement – and that is not taking into consideration COVID19. Adding EU accessibility requirements, in a multi lingual Europe elevates the pressure to all sectors of the film industry: from script writing, subtitlers to online ticketing. The European Council signed in 2006 the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Person with Disabilities (CRPD). This means a double obligation to all EU countries to fulfil CRPD since separately each EU country has also signed it. This means each country has to comply with the UN and EU will supervise and regulate through the European Regulators Group for Audiovisual Media (ERGA). This article describes the EU legal requirements regarding media accessibility. It will then describe the most popular accessibility services for media content, and it will finish describing the new network funded to help to adapt and fulfil EU legislation towards cinema for all.

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