Capítulo II _ Cinema - Cinema
Análise crítica de experiência com cineclube com estudantes de 7 a 10 anos
The present work analyzes a cinema experience at school, more specifically a cinema club workshop held in 2017, under the program Novo Mais Educação (2016), in Public School Profa Aurea Melo, peripheral region of the north of the city of Aracaju, capital of the state of Sergipe. This government program, aimed at the functional permanence of students in the school environment, had as its main objective the improvement of grammar and the development of mathematical skills. For the analysis of the experience, I use as a base the concept of an emancipated spectator, as proposed by Jacques Rancière (2002; 2012). I also think about the use of cinema in education beyond a functionalist vision, as proposed by Adriana Fresquet (2013) and Alain Bergala (2008). The comparative analysis with the Mais Educação Program, from 2009, made it possible to perceive that the changes that came with the “Novo” left out the more emancipatory character of the Program. Initially, in an impulse to consolidate integral education as a reality for Brazilian public schools, the 2009 Program intended to expand the participation of all agents involved in the school community, promoting a greater link between the community and school management. The mediation of experience, of contact between children and films, reinforced the emancipatory possibilities of this encounter between cinema and education.

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