Capítulo I _ Cinema – Arte
Prelude: The sleeping song of the Gran Teatro Cervantes de Tangier
The recording through the still and moving image of two buildings of an alleged symbolic nature in the city of Tangier -in the surroundings of the Cornisse- addresses the identity issue in the Mediterranean cultural context and the need to recover a collective memory.
The first project, entitled Crossing Lines, registers the Palace of Arts and Culture of Tangier under construction. The second, a videographic performance that gives the title to this contribution, registers as a “reopening” the Gran Teatro de Cervantes in Tangier, currently in ruins, where a Tangerian singer on his stage challenges this devastation with his song. Large erased cartouches with the names of Aeschylus, Corneille, Lope de Rueda, Schiller, Goldoni, Sophocles, Molière or Goethe, peaks of European literature, are revealed in front of his eyes.
With both representations, the idea of ruin and that of a project under construction are simultaneously raised to speak of the postcolonial moment of culture and its role in the expanded context of globalization. I intend to open a reflection on the difficulty that currently exists when it comes to articulating cultural meeting spaces between both shores of the Mediterranean.

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