Capítulo I _ Cinema – Arte
Educar la mirada: Un proyecto de creación audiovisual para sujetos no productivos.
Multiscreen society bombards us with images about which we can not think, to this is added a technological development that is hast urned us as a issues – receivers of pictures / images in our daily lives. Thus arises a need to deepen the possibilities of emancipation that the current socio-historical landscape can have.
“Educar la mirada” we are a group of professionals in education and audiovisual communication that pretend, through film- art and new audiovisual creation devices, to encourage literacy and audiovisual creation for life. We start from work with collectives whose artistic motive has no lucrative interest, such as the public school; hence our interest in non-productive subjects. This project arises from the work carried out by the Trabenco Educational Community ( Public School ) in relation to the environment that exists between childhood and the audiovisual media.
Theories of reflection on audiovisual literacy and ways of doing creative people who have a clearer meaning for our approach are: F.P.R Bergala, work CineSinAutor, proposals for Medvedkin, language patterns Alxander and creative crystallizations by authors such as Trier, Rossellini, Rodari, Vigotsky or Svankmajer.
This project aims at a careful attention to the audiovisual with the intention of giving it a use beyond stagnant paradigms, where the possibilities we seek are those that make effective the needs and purposes that are given by the collectives themselves.

Este trabalho encontra-se publicado com a Licença Internacional Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0.