Capítulo II _ Cinema - Cinema
Encontros, Festivais e Mostras - caminhos para construção do cinema negro brasileiro
The article seeks from the realization of the “Afro-Brazilian Cinema Moments Exhibition - Retrospective”, to analyze the process of consolidation of the concept of Black Cinema, and how the specific Encounters, Festivals and Exhibitions strengthened this process. Based on the questions about the image and the place of the black population in film production, we investigated the factors that led to the increase of production made by black filmmakers. In this way, we understand this process as a consequence of the racially defined public policies developed in recent decades, strengthened by the advance and access of new technological mechanisms and apparatuses of production; the establishment of the Association of Black Audiovisual Professionals (APAN); and also the outbreak of contemporary film festivals and shows, shaped around the racial issue in all regions of the country.

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